Save the Date: APEC High-Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology Activities
Tuesday, 2023/06/06 | 08:32:05
The United States would like to cordially invite you to attend the APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology's suite of events, to be held from July 26-31, 2023, (TBC), as part of the APEC Third Senior Officials Meeting.
The events will build on the intersessional work of HLPDAB's APEC member economies in promoting science-based, risk proportionate regulations for products of agricultural biotechnology. The suite of hybrid events includes:
Request for Nominations
Participant nominations are being accepted for all events. Refer to the attached nomination form in Annex 1 for further details on the criteria for nominees for each activity. Economies must formally nominate participants in advance for them to attend. For participant nominations for in-person attendance, please respond as soon as possible but no later than June 30, 2023. For any eligible participant needing travel support, please reach out to as soon as possible. For participant nominations for virtual attendance, please respond as soon as possible but no later than July 7, 2023.
Travel Funding for Eligible Economies for the Symposium and Workshop
Limited travel and per diem will be provided for official participants from each travel eligible economy for the Symposium and the Workshop. Travel eligible economies include: Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Please refer to the attached nomination form for details on APEC travel-eligible economies and specific events and procedures for nominating delegates. Separate travel support is available for speakers.
Please complete the attached nomination form for participants- Annex 1 - and return by the dates noted in the Request for Nominations section so that we can process applicable funding and confirm nominations. Completed nomination forms should be sent to and
Download the flyer, nomination form, and invitation letter.
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