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Advancing Odisha`s Millet Mission: A Science-Policy Workshop Highlighting Transformative Pathways
Friday, 2025/01/17 | 08:10:04

CGIAR January 16 2025

ICRISAT, in partnership with the Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), organized a Science-Policy Workshop on Advancing the Mainstreaming of Millets into Agri-food Systems in Odisha: Learnings, Insights, and Way Forward. The workshop was held in Bhubaneswar on 26 December 2024 under the aegis of the CGIAR National Policies and Strategies Initiative.


Focused on strengthening efforts to mainstream millets, the meeting attracted participation from researchers, policymakers, and representatives from Odisha's millet value chain. Participants explored various aspects of the millet value chain, including enhancing production and farmer capacity, market development and value addition, consumer awareness, and demand creation.


In his keynote address, Dr Arabinda Kumar Padhee, IAS, Principal Secretary of Agriculture, Government of Odisha, highlighted the state's achievements in mainstreaming millets:


Dr Shalander Kumar, Deputy Global Research Program Director for Enabling Systems Transformation at ICRISAT; and Dr Abhishek Das, Agricultural Economist at ICRISAT, presented key findings from the Millet Value Chain study in Odisha conducted by ICRISAT.


The presentation highlighted how Odisha’s efforts with millets have led to significant behavioral changes across the value chain. It also emphasized the need for continuous intervention and a holistic approach that encourages public-private partnerships, ag-tech startups, women’s SHGs, farmers' organization linkages, and sustainable business models as critical components moving forward.


Workshop participants brainstormed and suggested various context-specific strategies for improving farmers' access to seed, small farm mechanization, institutional innovations, and policy support for ensuring consistent supply, steady demand, and sustainable business models.


Women’s Self-Help Groups (WSHGs) and small-scale processors need greater support in certifying value-added products, market linkages, and advanced technologies. Regular integration of millet into Public Distribution Systems (PDS) and school nutrition programs was considered critical for creating demand and sustained behavior change among consumers.


Dr Pravat Kumar Roul, Vice Chancellor of OUAT, praised the Odisha Millet Mission (Shree Anna Abhiyan) for its remarkable success, highlighting significant achievements in expanding cultivation areas, increasing production, and boosting yields.


The workshop concluded with actionable recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders, focusing on scaling production, enhancing market linkages, and driving behavioral change among consumers.


The meeting reaffirmed millets as a critical lever for Odisha's achievement of sustainable agriculture, improved nutrition, and resilience against climate change.


See https://pressroom.icrisat.org/advancing-odishas-millet-mission-a-science-policy-workshop-highlighting-transformative-pathways


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