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Banking on Biodiversity: conservation starts with seeds
Thursday, 2024/05/30 | 08:11:08

CGIAR May 14 2024


2024 is a landmark year for biodiversity. In the leadup to COP16 in Cali, we are called to find solutions to protect and sustainably use agrobiodiversity. Crop conservation begins with seeds. Around the globe, researchers and farming communities are collaborating to collect, save, and share seeds: in seedbanks and genebanks.  


Below, we invite you to explore case studies from around the globe of efforts to save and sustainably use agrobiodiversity. 

Community Seedbanks 

From beginnings as humble as a farmer collecting the seeds of a particularly hardy squash plant and sharing them with their neighbor, a seedbank can grow into a local organization and support system for farmers. If well-maintained, these collections can be an easily accessible, locally-adapted safety net in times of floods, drought, diseases, or pests.


 Off-site conservation – such as deep-freezing seeds in liquid nitrogen at 196C – enables long-term conservation of plant genetic material that can weather on-farm shocks and disruptions. It also enables scientists to compare samples from around the globe and identify promising traits that could span community-level challenges.  


The Alliance maintains two genebanks, in Belgium and Colombia, which act as living reservoirs of the world’s diverse plant genetic resources. In Leuven, the International Musa Transit Center researches the world’s collection of bananas; while in Cali, the Future Seeds research and education hub safeguards collections of beans, tropical forages, and cassava. In both cases, the plant genetic diversity is being studied and distributed based on its potential to help farmers adapt to changing conditions.


This is possible through collaboration with partners worldwide; for example, an agreement with the Crop Trust has further bolstered the Alliance’s ability to maintain over 66,000 seed samples. 


Most recently, a new seedbank in Belgium will show the role of different varieties of the world’s favorite fruit – bananas – in ensuring its survival despite impacts of climate change, pests, and diseases on production.  


Other ways that these collections reach communities include fighting malnutrition and plant viruses


See https://alliancebioversityciat.org/stories/banking-biodiversity-conservation-starts-seeds?mtm_campaign=AllianceReferral&mtm_source=CGIARWebsite&mtm_medium=Referral


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