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Bilateral meeting with His Majesty King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho
Thursday, 2024/08/08 | 07:13:31

FAO 03/08/2024


Maseru - Today FAO Director General Qu Dongyu met with His Majesty King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho at the Masting Royal Palace in Lesotho.


His Majesty welcomed the Director-General and expressed gratitude for having accepted the invitation to visit Lesotho. His Majesty described the Director-General’s visit as historic for Lesotho as the visit was taking place at a time when Lesotho was facing immense food security challenges due to an El Nino induced drought, noting that almost three quarters of the population could face serious famine conditions this year due to the drought.


His Majesty stated that 2024 was an important year for Lesotho as they were celebrating and commemorating 200 years of their existence as a nation. His Majesty the King further stated that the celebrations were paired with work that would assist to speed up the impetus towards agrifood systems transformation for ending hunger and malnutrition.


His Majesty stated that he was however encouraged by the enthusiasm and commitment expressed by the Director-General and the FAO the country team in the execution of their mandate and looked forward to increased collaboration to put Lesotho, and Africa, on a higher and different trajectory on nutrition and food security issues.


His Majesty the King expressed the need to intensify efforts to eradicate poverty and end hunger, while also paying closer attention to ensuring better nutrition and to mitigating the challenges caused by the impacts of climate change. His Majesty further emphasized the need to build resilience in agriculture for smallholder farmers to ensure sustainable food production, and indicated that FAO had a pivotal role to play in anchoring the government and people of Lesotho to achieve the SDGs, especially for the eradication of poverty and ending hunger.


The Director-General expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation for the invitation and warm welcome. He stated that his visit to Lesotho was to appreciate the continued support of His Majesty extended to him in his work as FAO Director-General, as well as His Majesty’s role as FAO Special Goodwill Ambassador for Nutrition championing nutrition causes.


The Director-General informed that he would use the opportunity of his visit, to strengthen FAO’s work on the ground in Lesotho, to study firsthand the shortcomings and strengths to mobilize the needed support and develop a concrete plan to move the country forward with the required technical support through various programmes and projects.


The Director-General also reaffirmed his commitment to support Lesotho in its efforts to improve and transform its agrifood system, and improve rural livelihoods. He also referred to the importance of effective water management projects for agrotourism and aquaculture, and recommended that the country establish Green Cities to develop vertical growing systems to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis, and to increase adaptation and resilience. In this regard, he was pleased that he would be witnessing the signing of the Letters of Intent for the FAO Green Cities Initiative and other Technical Cooperation Programmes which would assist the country.


Both agreed that 2024 would mark the beginning of an important period of action and a new era for increased growth and modernization.


See https://www.fao.org/director-general/news/details/meeting-with-his-majesty-king-letsieiii-of-the-kingdom-of-lesotho/en


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