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 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

 - Study on rice breeding for export and domestic consumption(2005)


- Hybrid Maize by Single Cross V2002 (2003)

- Tomato Grafting to Manage Ralstonia Disease(2005)

- Cassava variety KM140(2010)

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The Institute of Agricultural Science for Southern Vietnam – IAS (known as Institute of Agrcultural Science of South Vietnam before 2005) is one of the most oldest development history research Institute. It was established on the basis of the “Institut des Recherches Agronomiques de l’Indochine” which had been founded in 1925. IAS is a government institution under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, responsible for the research and application of new technologies in agriculture and rural development in southern Vietnam.


Institute of Agricultural Sciences for Southern Vietnam is a multi-disciplinary research institution on crops, livestock, agricltural economics. Currently, IAS is responsible for the following activities:

  • Research on selecting, breeding of plant varieties and animal breeds; pests and diseases control; and on technical aspects of crop and livestock production.
  • Research on the improvement and establishment of sustainable farming systems and on the transfer of technologies; on biological environment protection; and on agro-product and animal feed storage and processing.
  • Research on market economy, agricultural and rural infrastructures. Investment consultation.
  • Post graduate and non-degree training for researchers and technical staff in agriculture. International cooperation research on science and technology.

Presently, IAS has 450 staff, with more than 250 graduates and post-graduates, in which there are 03 Professors and Associate Professors, 31 Doctors and 49 MSc. The Institute was organized into 10 research departments, 07 applied research centers, and 03 supporting offices.


Please see detail: http://iasvn.org/en/chuyen-muc/IAS-Brochure-2011-2012-710.html

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