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 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

 - Study on rice breeding for export and domestic consumption(2005)


- Hybrid Maize by Single Cross V2002 (2003)

- Tomato Grafting to Manage Ralstonia Disease(2005)

- Cassava variety KM140(2010)

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 Total visitors :  8297270

Friday, 2025/01/17 | 15:44:30

In 2024, the IAS has drastically managed and conducted 32 scientific tasks with the fund of VND 21.8 billion (accounted for 64.5% budget). Beside, the IAS scientific service activities gained VND 12.1 billion (accounted for 35.5% budget). The scienticfic tasks of state level, ministry level, extension, international projects, local cooperation and team works occupied 8.1%, 13.7%, 13.3%, 3.7%, 14.2% and 11.6% R&D budget, respectively.


Tuesday, 2024/08/06 | 15:51:27

In the first six months in 2024, the IAS has drastically managed and conducted  22 projects with the fund of VND 15.20 billion. It included 01 national project, 01 crop breeding project, 04 MARD projects, 01 demonstration project, 02 potential trials, 02 functions regarding standadizing

Monday, 2024/02/19 | 07:50:02

In 2023, the IAS has conducted 34 R&D activities with the total budget of VND 22.58 billion.

The outputs are as followed:

- Thirteen research articles were received and published in Vietanamese journals.

- Nine new crop varieties have developed including 3 varieties of cashewnut; 2 potato; 3 chrysanthemum; 1 carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)


Tuesday, 2023/04/04 | 08:10:18

- The IAS has launched the proposal  to Dong Thap Science and Technology Service with the emphasis on "Survey and investigation of sweet potato, vegetable, and flower crops", March 6-7 2023.

- Mr Nguyen Van Manh (teamwork member)  successfully submitted the proposal of "Study on agronomical practices suitable to "Xoai Cat" mango variety in Can Gio"; March 7 2023.


Tuesday, 2023/04/04 | 08:09:09

- Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien paid a short visit to the IAS scientists; Feb. 17 2023.

- The "On-line meeting" was carried out to mention "the science and technology strategies with the emphasis on agriculture and rural development' innovations; 2030 beyonce and 2050 vision"; February 22 2023


Tuesday, 2023/02/14 | 08:15:10

IAS Annual Conference to evaluate 2022 activities and look for 2023 plan on January 5 2023.

- Mr Pham Van Ngoc addressed his final report on  “Demonstration of Max 7379 hybrid maize in various  key maize production regions; January 6 2023.


Tuesday, 2023/02/14 | 08:14:03

- Meeting between the IAS and NICS (National Institute of Crop Science, Korea), with the emphasis on soybean study cooperation, December 13, 2022.

- Annual Report to Research Management by the MARD in 2022; December 16 2022.

Monday, 2022/12/05 | 08:32:24

 Deputy Minister of MARD, Phùng Đức Tiến paid a visit of the IAS in November 7 2022 for research management discussion.

The workshop with the title of  “Demonstration of production & consuming safe vegetable under hi-tech farms in Ho Chi Minh city and Southern provinces” was co organized by the IAS and DARD, Nov. 11 2022


Friday, 2022/11/04 | 08:28:35

Preliminary report of "The hybrid corn Max7379 production project"  was addressed on October 4 2022

- Department of Crop Production opened the workshop with the title of "Vietnam crop varieties' protection and  e-PVP Asia" on October 7  2022


Tuesday, 2022/10/04 | 08:22:30

- The workshop with the title of "Technological knowledge sharing and data base accessing" was conducted in September 6 2022,

- Mr DOAN VINH PHUC officially submitted his PhD Thesis on "Studying on maize genotypes and suitable practices on transforming rice land in Long An and Dong Thap", at the IAS, September 24 2022.



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