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 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

 - Study on rice breeding for export and domestic consumption(2005)


- Hybrid Maize by Single Cross V2002 (2003)

- Tomato Grafting to Manage Ralstonia Disease(2005)

- Cassava variety KM140(2010)

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Sunday, 2021/10/10 | 19:23:33

Department of Crop Production of MARD certified in September 13 2021 that the tomato variety NT 8 by Nguyen The Nhuan et al. from Dalat Research Center of Potato, Vegetable and Flower  is officially released  in large scale production.

Tuesday, 2021/08/03 | 07:35:08

- Online meeting to assess the theme of "Cassava Yield Trial of HL-S12 genotype" on June 2nd 2021

- Online meeting to assess the final report of "Integrated and advanced practices on cashew nut farms based on value chain for export" on June 21 2021

Wednesday, 2021/05/05 | 11:58:54

Standard issues on cultivation and utilization values of potato, tomato, chrysanthemum flower and carnation flower (Dianthus caryophyllus) on April 7, 2021. Setting up the DUS and VCU of cassava and cashew nut varieties was addressed on April 26, 2021.

Wednesday, 2021/04/28 | 10:36:22

- Mr. Nguyen The Nhuan officially submitted his PhD Thesis on “Study on N, P, K, pH and photoperiod affecting to potato G0 mini tubers'' growth, development and yield in Da Lat”, Feb 2, 2021.

- Ms Cao Thi Lan preliminarily submitted her PhD Thesis on:  “Nutrient and support treatments affecting to strawberry growth, development, yield and quality of the hybrid  (Fragaria x ananassa) under Da Lat green house”, March 22, 2021.

Wednesday, 2021/02/10 | 07:59:49

Dong Thap Muoi Agriculture Research and Development Center addressed the 2020 annual report on 19 Jan 2021. Vegetable, Patato, Flower Research and Development Center addressed the 2020 annual report on 21 Jan 2021. The IAS addressed the 2020 annual report on 28 Jan 2021. Hung Loc Agriculture R&D Center addressed the 2020 annual report on 26 Jan 2021.

Monday, 2021/01/04 | 08:49:22

- Mr. Ngo Minh Dung submitted his preliminary Ph.D Thesis on "Stimulating the dragon fruit crop (Hylocereus undatus (Haw) Britt. And Rose) flowering by compact lamp treatments”, NCS. Ngô Minh Dũng, chuyên ngành: Khoa học Cây trồng.

Wednesday, 2020/12/02 | 08:33:57

- Dr Hoang Van Tam  presented his progress report on “Study on procedure to produce microorganism organic fertilizer from Pangasius fish wash" on Nov 6 2020 

- Mr Truong Quoc Anh presented his final report on “To establish the demonstration, which transfer hi-technologies applied in Cavendish banana production in Bàu Bàng,  Bình Dương province ”, Nov 25 2020.

Monday, 2020/11/02 | 10:59:10

- National Plant Pathology Workshop was held at National Agriculture University, Ha noi in  October 23-25, 2020.

- Organic Agri-Product Promotion Workshop was held in Ho Chi Minh City by MARD in October 26 2020


Monday, 2020/10/05 | 08:18:50

Mr Hoang Van Bang officially presented his final report on “Developing DTM14-258 rice genotype adapted to Dong Thap Muoi” to MARD Scientific Board on September 4 2020.

Mr Nguyen The Nhuan submitted his PhD preliminary thesis on “NPK influences associated with photoperiod on growth and development of free-pathogen G0 potato seeds (minitubers) at Da Lat”, Crop Science Section, at the IAS, in September 5 2020.

Monday, 2020/09/07 | 07:43:23

Mr Nguyen The Nhuan, Director, Da Lat Vegetable, Potato, Flower Research Centre, addressed his final report on “Potato breeding for high yielding, good quality and late blight resistance for Da Lat and its surrounding areas", in July 30 2020.

Mr Truong Quoc Anh addressed his preliminary report on “Melon cultivation under greenhouse demonstration in Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho City” in August 11 2020.


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