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Trần Văn Lợt. 2018. Rice Breeding for Heat Tolerance via Marker-assisted Selection in Mekong Delta. PhD Thesis Abstract. Institute of Agricultural Sciences For Southern Vietnam (IAS). Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Thứ hai, 05-11-2018 | 08:43:00

Advisors: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lang, Prof. Dr. Bui Chi Buu

Mr Tran Van Lot: Lecturer, Nong Lam University, Thu Duc, HCMC, Vietnam

Email: tvlot@hcmuaf.edu.vn (submitted in October 30 2018)


The study was conducted from 2011 to 2016 at Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding - Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute and five rice-producing provinces in the Mekong Delta viz. Long An, Hau Giang, Can Tho, An Giang and Tra Vinh. The study aims at (a) determining breeding materials to develop new genotypes adapted to heat tolerance due to climate change; (b) determining elite progenies from backsrossing populations via molecular markers-assisted selection with recurrent parent AS996 and donor N22.


N22 and Dular genotypes could be used as donors for breeding. Four short duration rice lines as TLR391, OM10040, OM8108 and OM4900 exhibited their heat tolerance (HTscore of 0-3) with low percentage of unfilled grains under high temperature condition (7.16% - 25%).


The use of 24 SSR polymorphic markers to evaluate the progenies from backcrossing populations, and other materials identified segregants  with PCR products varied from 165 bp to 230 bp. The PIC value obtained  0.16 - 0.47 to facilitate genetic clustering among the genotypes. Two backcrossing populations of AS996 / N22 and AS996 / Dular were used to select via loci RM3586 and RM160 on chromosome 3.


In 2015 – 2016 winter-spring season and 2016 summer-autumn season, multi-location yield trials were conducted at Long An, Hau Giang, Can Tho, An Giang, and Tra Vinh.


In the backcross of AS996 / N22 , promising lines were recorded as BC3-2-2-3-1, BC3-5-3, BC3-9-5, BC3-1-8, BC3F2-1- 9, BC3F2-32, BC3F2-34, BC3F2-35, BC3F2-36, BC3F2-37, BC3F2-38, BC3-F2-39, BC3F2-40, BC3F2-41, BC3F2-48, BC3F2-49 and BC3F2- 50. They exhibited their good agronomic traits such as short growth duration, panicles per hill, filled grains per panicle, and grain yield with the same allele of N22 band at the loci RM3586 and RM160 on chromosome 3. Of eight promising rice lines, five genotypes viz. HTL1, HTL2, HTL5, HTL7, and HTL8 were named and developed (HTL means heat tolerance). They well adapted to both Winter-Spring and Summer-Autumn via GxE interaction analysis. Especially, HTL8 becomes the best one to develop  in large scale area.

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