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 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

 - Study on rice breeding for export and domestic consumption(2005)


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Developing drought-tolerant rice

IRRI has developed drought-tolerant varieties which have been released in several countries and are now being planted by farmers. These include Sahbhagi dhan in India, the 5411 variety in the Philippines, and the Sookha dhan varieties in Nepal, and the BRRI dhan varieties in Bangladesh. Across these varieties, the average yield advantage of drought-tolerant varieties over drought-susceptible ones is 0.8-1.2 tons per hectare under drought.

Rice that can tolerate drought is bringing livelihoods back to farmers

IRRI http://irri.org/


IRRI has developed drought-tolerant varieties which have been released in several countries and are now being planted by farmers. These include Sahbhagi dhan in India, the 5411 variety in the Philippines, and the Sookha dhan varieties in Nepal, and the BRRI dhan varieties in Bangladesh. Across these varieties, the average yield advantage of drought-tolerant varieties over drought-susceptible ones is 0.8-1.2 tons per hectare under drought.


IRRI scientists have identified several key regions of the rice genome that give the rice drought tolerance and improve rice grain yield under drought. IRRI is working towards introducing drought tolerance into popular high-yielding rice varieties including IR64, Swarna, and Vandana.

Tackling climate change


Whether it’s through the alternative wetting and drying management practice that’s being implemented in the Philippines or the development of drought-tolerant rice, IRRI’s research is focused on adapting rice to the effects of climate change. Moreover, our scientists are cognizant are constantly looking for ways that rice production can reduce greenhouse gases.


Through IRRI’s efforts, farmers from various countries across Asia are being taught to adopt methods of dealing with changes in the climate. IRRI has provided (and continue to provide) farmers with effective tools and knowledge to help them achieve higher yields despite the threatening nature of climate change.



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