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Fine mapping of a new common bean anthracnose resistance gene (Co-18) to the proximal end of Pv10 in Indian landrace KRC-5

The discovery of resistance gene is a major gain in the bean anthracnose pathosystem research. Among the Indian common bean landraces, KRC-5 exhibit high levels of resistance to the bean anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. To precisely map the anthracnose resistance gene, we used a Recombinant Inbred Line (F2:9 RIL) population (KRC-5 × Jawala).

Irtifa Lateef, Shabnam KatochAbhishek KatochAnila BadiyalAnju PathaniaShiwali DhimanQadrul NisaAdfar BashirAasiya NabiNaziya NabiTabia FayazGazala GulzarMehraj D. ShahAsif B. ShikariZahoor A. DarHamidullah ItooRafiq A. ShahTariq A. SofiVivek Sharma  M. K. Sharma  Rajeev RathourP. N. Sharma &  Bilal A. Padde

Theoretical and Applied Genetics; January 2024; vol.137; article 32



Figure: Common Bean Anthracnose Sypmtom

Key message

Mapping and fine mapping of bean anthracnose resistance genes is a continuous process. We report fine mapping of anthracnose resistance gene Co-18 which is the first anthracnose gene mapped to Pv10.


The discovery of resistance gene is a major gain in the bean anthracnose pathosystem research. Among the Indian common bean landraces, KRC-5 exhibit high levels of resistance to the bean anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. To precisely map the anthracnose resistance gene, we used a Recombinant Inbred Line (F2:9 RIL) population (KRC-5 × Jawala). The inheritance test revealed that KRC-5 carries a dominant resistance gene temporarily designated as Co-18. We discovered two RAPD markers linked to Co-18 among 287 RAPD markers. These RAPD markers were eventually developed into SCARs (Sc-OPR15 and Sc-OPF6) and flank Co-18 on chromosome Pv10 at a distance of 5.3 and 4.2 cM, respectively. At 4.0–4.1 Mb on Pv10, we detected a SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) signal. We synthesized 58 SSRs and 83 InDels from a pool of 135 SSRs and 1134 InDels, respectively. Five SSRs, four InDels, and two SCARs were used to generate the high-density linkage map, which led to the identification of two SSRs (SSR24 and SSR36) that are tightly linked to Co-18. These two SSRs flank the Co-18 to 178 kb genomic region with 13 candidate genes including five NLR (nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat) genes. The closely linked markers SSR24 and SSR36 will be used in cloning and pyramiding of the Co-18 gene with other R genes to develop durable resistant bean varieties.

See https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00122-023-04539-z

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