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Independence Award

- First Rank - Second Rank - Third Rank

Labour Award

- First Rank - Second Rank -Third Rank

National Award

 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

 - Study on rice breeding for export and domestic consumption(2005)


- Hybrid Maize by Single Cross V2002 (2003)

- Tomato Grafting to Manage Ralstonia Disease(2005)

- Cassava variety KM140(2010)

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Visitors summary
 Curently online :  19
 Total visitors :  8371816

Going Abroad in November 2016

- Prof. Bui Chi Buu leaving for Malaysia to participate the International Plant Breeding Conference (3rd IPBC 2016), Putra Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; November15-16, 2016.

- Prof. Bui Chi Buu leaving for Malaysia to participate the International Plant Breeding Conference (3rd IPBC 2016), Putra Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; November15-16, 2016.


- Ms. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương leaving for China to participate the short training course on cassava production in Southeast Asia, November 13-28, 2016.

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