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PhD.Thesis >> Mai Văn Trị. 2019. Study on the causal agent and control measures of trunk canker on jackfruit in the southeastern. PhD Thesis. Institute of Agricultural Sciences for Southern Vietnam
Mai Văn Trị. 2019. Study on the causal agent and control measures of trunk canker on jackfruit in the southeastern. PhD Thesis. Institute of Agricultural Sciences for Southern Vietnam
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.; Moraceae) is currently one of the high value crops in Vietnam with more than 24,000 ha. Trunk canker, a serious disease by Phytophthora palmivora, has been causing significant losses for jackfruit production. The study aims at identifying the causal agent of the jackfruit trunk canker and studying measures for controlling the disease in the Southeastern region
Submitted in November 1, 2019 at the IAS, Vietnam.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuat and Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.; Moraceae) is currently one of the high value crops in Vietnam with more than 24,000 ha. Trunk canker, a serious disease by Phytophthora palmivora, has been causing significant losses for jackfruit production. The study aims at identifying the causal agent of the jackfruit trunk canker and studying measures for controlling the disease in the Southeastern region. P. palmivora was identified via morphological characteristics and the sequencing results of the rDNA-ITS region and the COX II gene. Solutions were proposed as (1) Using tolerant variety La Lon; (2) Building ditches between rows and planting on raised mound for good drainage in the orchards; (3) Amending chicken manure (12 tons/ha/year) or cow manure (16 tons/ha/year); (4) Soil drenching twice combined with canopy-spraying Trichoderma harzianum SR18 three times during rainy seasons (May – Oct.); and (5) Canopy spraying twice alternating with soil drenching twice Potassium phosphite 1% during rainy seasons. The study was highlighted as:
Phytophthora palmivora was identified as the causal agent of the jackfruit trunk canker in the Southeastern region.
The optimum temperature for P. palmivora growth and sporangial production was 27oC, and the optimum pH range for growth was between 5 and 7.
Jackfruit trunk canker was widespread in rainy season (May – Oct.).
The disease epidemic was found to be severe in the poor drainage or high planting density orchards. Sieu Som cultivar offered higher disease incidence than La Lon. Intercropping jackfruit and pineapple (or durian) received higher diseases incidence than jackfruit monoculture.
La Lon was evaluated as the most tolerant genotype.
Nursery seedlings were infested by P.palmivora up to 80% so that potting mix from 7.04-17.16% was encouraged.
Recommended practices were (i) planting tolerant variety – La Lon, (ii) building ditches 24 for good drainage in orchard, (iii) amending 12 ton/ha chicken manure or 16 ton/ha cow manure annually, (iv) applying antagonists T. harzianum SR18 by drenching twice (May and July) and canopy spraying three times (June, August and October); and (v) applying Potassium phosphite 200 g/L (6 L/ha) at 1% concentration by spraying canopy twice (May and August) and drench twice (July and September).
Average yield of the model plots (mentioning issue 7) increased 16.94% as compared to control.
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