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 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

 - Study on rice breeding for export and domestic consumption(2005)


- Hybrid Maize by Single Cross V2002 (2003)

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Thursday, 2014/11/06 | 09:54:12

Information on new findings of the doctoral thesis: Title of the research :”Study on rice breeding for brown planthopper resistance using molecular markers”. PhD. Thesis. Phung Ton Quyen

Thursday, 2014/11/06 | 10:00:36

Information on new findings of the doctoral thesis: Thesis’s title: “Study on breeding of medium maturity maize hybrids with high yield for the Southeast and the Central Highland of Vietnam”. PhD. Thesis. Vu Ngoc Quy

Monday, 2022/02/21 | 08:09:16

Genus Dendrobium includes the largest species in the Orchinidae in Southern Vietnam. Genetic data base was established on the background of morphology of collected orchids, with their enclosed figures. Phylogenetic dengrogram was set up among 40 Dendrobium accessions collected in South.

Monday, 2022/02/21 | 08:10:42

Iron toxicity strongly influences He Thu rice yield under acid sulfate soils in Mekong Delta. Leaf bronzing is the typical symptom. Variety IR 50404 yielded the best when leaf iron content of 200 – 350 mg/kg. Its yield declined when leaf iron content of over 350 mg/kg and downed at 450 mg/kg. Increasing Fe2+ in the medium enhanced leaf and tiller Fe accumulation. The rice plant was inhibited its nutrient uptake and became poor growth. Rice variety IR 50404 addressed its iron toxicity tolerance better than OM 5451.

Monday, 2022/02/21 | 08:11:38

The study identifies the optimum medium that: rice husk plus burn husk and coconut fiber are the key materials to ensure the quality of growing medium. Strawberry leaf area obtained the best when the medium could absorb 41.0% of water and maintaining 39.4% of aerobic rate. Strawberry yielded the best when water absorption of  36.2% and aerobic rate of 45.0%.

Tuesday, 2022/02/22 | 10:43:15

Phu Quoc dog exhibits its phenotype feature of ridgeback character. The landrace dog originated from Phu Quoc island, Vietnam. Phenotyping was carried out to identify its body weight of 19.5-19.6 kg, body length of 50.2-50.6 cm; shoulder height of 45.3-45.9 cm; dog muzzle length of 10.2-10.3 cm; chest size of 55.3-55.9 cm; bell size of 45.1-45.6 cm; ear length of 9.8 cm; tail length of 28.1-28.9 cm.

Tuesday, 2015/03/03 | 10:39:53

Rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) and rice grassy stunt virus (RGSV) have been causing serious damages to rice production in Southeast Asian countries. RRSV and RGSV are transmitted by the brown planthopper vector (Delphacidae: Nilaparvata lugens).

Wednesday, 2015/08/19 | 07:51:09
  1. Constitutively expressed ERF-VII transcription factors redundantly activate the coreanaerobic response in Arabidopsis thaliana


Plant adaptation to hypoxic conditions is mediated by the transcriptional activation of genes involved in the metabolic reprogramming of plant cells to cope with reduced oxygen availability

Monday, 2016/02/29 | 11:02:50

Microorganisms play an important role in causing the damages on rice plant and affecting the quality of seed, of which fungi account for the largest group. More than 80 fungi including about 20 species of pathogens were detected from the rice seeds such as Bakanae and foot rot (Fusarium moniliforme, Sheld); Sheath rot (Sarocladium oryzae, Swada W. & D. Hawksw); Brown spot (Bipolaris oryzae, Shoem), 

Friday, 2017/04/21 | 07:56:11

The percentage of regenerants by Paphiopedium landraces viz. Van Hai, Lan Hai Hong and Lan Tam Dao obtained 22.40, 24.85 and 17.15 %, respectively under the SH medium plus 1.0 mg/L of TDZ, 0.3 mg/L of NAA, 9 g/L of agar and 30 g/L of sucrose at pH of 5.8


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