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 - Study on food stuff for animal(2005)

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- Hybrid Maize by Single Cross V2002 (2003)

- Tomato Grafting to Manage Ralstonia Disease(2005)

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Thursday, 2024/12/26 | 07:55:26

Male sterility and fruit wart formation are two significant agronomic characteristics in cucumber (Cucumis sativus), yet knowledge of our underlying genetics is limited. In this study, we identified an EMS-induced male sterility and few small warts mutant (msfsw). Histological observations revealed defects the absence of tapetum, meiotic aberration and impaired microspore formation in the anthers of the mutant.

Wednesday, 2024/12/25 | 08:26:33

The classical acid growth theory suggests that auxin stimulates cell expansion by triggering apoplast acidification via plasma membrane (PM)-localized H+-ATPase. Here, we reconstructed the origin and evolutionary history of auxin-mediated acid growth. Comparative phylogenomic analysis showed that most core components of acid growth originated in Charophyta and then underwent subclass expansion and functional innovation during plant terrestrialization.

Tuesday, 2024/12/24 | 07:53:40

Plants need to adapt to fluctuating atmospheric humidity and respond to both high and low humidity. Despite our substantial understanding of plant responses to low humidity, molecular mechanisms underlying the high humidity (HH) response are much less well understood. In this study, we investigated early responses to HH in Arabidopsis. Expression of CYP707A3, encoding an abscisic acid (ABA) 8′-hydroxylase, is induced by HH within 10 min, which leads to a decrease in foliar ABA level.

Monday, 2024/12/23 | 08:03:06

Doubled haploid (DH) breeding accelerates the development of elite inbred lines and facilitates the incorporation of exotic germplasm, offering a powerful tool for maize improvement. Traditional DH breeding relies on colchicine to induce haploid genome doubling. Colchicine is toxic, and its application is labor-intensive, with most genotypes recording low genome doubling rates (10–30%).

Sunday, 2024/12/22 | 06:26:05

Wax gourd is an economically significant vegetable crop, and peel color is a crucial agronomic trait that influences its commercial value. Although genes controlling light green or white peel have been cloned in wax gourd, the genetic basis and molecular mechanism underlying black peel remain unclear. Here, we confirmed that the peel color of wax gourd is a qualitative trait governed by single gene, with black being dominant over green.

Saturday, 2024/12/21 | 08:01:11

Late blight caused by the oomycete fungus Phytophthora infestans (Pi) is the most serious obstacle to potato (Solanum tuberosum) production in the world. A super race isolate, CN152, which was identified from Sichuan Province, China, could overcome nearly all known late blight resistance genes and caused serious damage in China. The potato genotype SD20 was verified to be highly resistant to CN152; however, the molecular regulation network underlying late blight resistance pathway remains unclear in SD20.

Friday, 2024/12/20 | 08:19:05

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have emerged as a powerful tool for unraveling intricate genotype-phenotype association across various species. Maize (Zea mays L.), renowned for its extensive genetic diversity and rapid linkage disequilibrium (LD), stands as an exemplary candidate for GWAS. In maize, GWAS has made significant advancements by pinpointing numerous genetic loci and potential genes associated with complex traits, including responses to both abiotic and biotic stress

Thursday, 2024/12/19 | 08:07:18

Sterols have long been associated with diverse fields, such as cancer treatment, drug development, and plant growth; however, their underlying mechanisms and functions remain enigmatic. Here, we unveil a critical role played by a GmNF-YC9-mediated CCAAT-box transcription complex in modulating the steroid metabolism pathway within soybeans. Specifically, this complex directly activates squalene monooxygenase (GmSQE1), which is a rate-limiting enzyme in steroid synthesis

Wednesday, 2024/12/18 | 08:23:09

Temperature shapes the geographical distribution and behavior of plants. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying the plant heat stress response is important for developing climate-resilient crops, including maize (Zea mays). To identify transcription factors (TFs) that may contribute to the maize heat stress response, we generated a dataset of short- and long-term transcriptome changes following a heat treatment time course in the inbred line B73

Tuesday, 2024/12/17 | 08:21:15

Bacteria within the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex cause devastating diseases in numerous crops, causing important losses in food production and industrial supply. Despite extensive efforts to enhance plant tolerance to disease caused by Ralstonia, efficient and sustainable approaches are still missing. Before, we found that Ralstonia promotes the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in plant cells


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