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Transformative adaptation: Reorienting the climate response from climate-smart to climate-resilient
Sunday, 2023/09/24 | 06:53:59

CGIAR sep 17 2023


Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and thus both a contributor to the climate change crisis and one of the sectors most adversely affected by rising temperatures, longer periods of drought, and sudden floods.  Climate change is a reality that we all live with today, and often the ones who bear the brunt of its effects are those already vulnerable and marginalized. As a result, climate change science and research often work to enhance resilience to climate shocks and impacts. In this space, we often hear of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) as a means to enhance resilience.


CSA includes technologies and practices that enhance adaptation, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and improve food security. It also includes drought-tolerant crop varieties, conservation agriculture, agroforestry, and soil and water conservation.  The development and scaling of CSA has been one area of focus in this move to enhance resilience. Once the appropriate technology or practice is identified, however, the challenge then lies in scaling it up through dissemination across target populations or communities – one that has been taken up by international organizations such as FAO and numerous NGOs.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 2 Report also warns of the danger that such types of climate response can bring to the most vulnerable communities whose well-being they are trying to improve.  The climate response can inadvertently lead to “maladaptation,” where interventions reinforce existing vulnerabilities, either by benefiting elites or transferring risks between groups.


Basically, what this means is that adaptation can create new risks and sources of vulnerability for some farmers, as a result of technical adaptation programming that is driven by external objectives and often insufficiently considers the social and political dimensions of vulnerability.


See more https://www.cgiar.org/news-events/news/transformative-adaptation-reorienting-the-climate-response-from-climate-smart-to-climate-resilient/

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